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How root canal treatment can address infection and other tooth trauma

At Redmond Smiles, Dr. Colby Eckland and his staff work routinely with patients needing general dentistry and can get the care they need with us. However, some patients are unaware that our team can also provide specialized services, such as root canal treatment, which dentists and other professionals call endodontic therapy. Let’s look at this treatment when it is helpful, and what it can accomplish for your oral health and wellness.

What is root canal treatment?

According to our team, root canal therapy is a specialized dental operation that targets issues with infection and other tooth injuries in the dental pulp, which is the tooth’s innermost layer. The connective tissue, blood arteries, and nerves are all found in this pulp. It can cause excruciating pain and suffering when it gets damaged or infected.

Why might endodontic therapy procedures be necessary?

Root canal treatment is typically required when the pulp becomes infected or inflamed due to deep decay, continued dental procedures on the same tooth, or physical trauma to the tooth. If left without timely treatment, this infection can spread to surrounding teeth and tissues, leading to more serious oral health issues.

What does the root canal treatment involve?

Dr. Colby Eckland enters the tooth’s interior during a root canal treatment. Once inside, he cleans the region completely and removes any damaged or infected pulp. To help restore the tooth’s structure and function, he then plugs the gap with gutta-percha, a unique dental substance. A custom dental crown is frequently made and positioned over the repaired tooth for extra strength and protection.

What are the benefits of the root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment can offer numerous advantages to our patients, including:

  • Relieving pain and discomfort
  • Saving natural teeth from extraction
  • Preventing further infection and damage
  • Restoring function and aesthetics
  • Keeping the natural smile healthy

How long will the results of root canal treatment last?

The state of the treated tooth and the patient’s dental hygiene practices are two of the many variables that affect how long the results of a root canal treatment last. The results can last a lifetime with proper oral hygiene habits in the home and regular dental check-ups. However, if the tooth is not properly cared for or additional trauma occurs, further treatment may be required.

Where can I find out more about endodontic therapy?

Suppose you have learned that endodontic treatment or a “root canal” can restore your natural tooth and prevent extraction. In that case, it’s best to connect with our dedicated team at Redmond Smiles for more information. Reach us at (425) 584-1192, conveniently located at 15865 NE 85th Street, Suite #201. Dr. Colby Eckland and his staff welcome new and returning patients and families from Redmond, Washington, and surrounding areas.

Dr. Colby Eckland, near me

Dr. Colby Eckland

Dr. Colby Eckland a distinguished dentist in Redmond Smiles, Washington, combines artistry with science in his practice. Graduating in the top 5% from the University of Washington School of Dentistry, he earned accolades for his exceptional hand skills. Dr. Eckland is a dedicated learner, continuously advancing his expertise at the prestigious Kois Center. His commitment to excellence is evident in his certifications in advanced treatment planning and functional occlusion. Trust Dr. Eckland to provide exceptional care, supported by high-resolution imaging to track and demonstrate your oral health progress.

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